Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433

Finally... Fast, Simple, Expert & Unbiased Medicare Guidance

65 Incorporated provides seniors and Baby Boomers, along with their kids, financial planners, caregivers, and healthcare providers with fast, simple, expert and unbiased Medicare information.  In fact, we make NO MONEY from the sale of insurance products.  As such, you'll know our guidance is always in YOUR best interest.


You certainly can conduct time-consuming Medicare research yourself, but why? Your time is valuable! Instead, let 65 Incorporated give you the exact and concise information you need to make the best Medicare decisions — without hours of painstaking study.  


The Medicare landscape is filled with confusing and incomplete information. Trying to decipher it all is enough to give anyone a headache! 65 Incorporated makes this process much simpler.  Through one-on-one consultations or self-guided software, all you have to do is answer a series of easy-to-understand questions to get individualized, step-by-step Medicare guidance.


65 Incorporated is founded by one of the nation’s foremost Medicare experts, Diane J. Omdahl, RN, MS. Over the last 30+ years, she's helped our nation's homecare agencies comply with ever-changing Medicare regulations.  Now she's using her expertise to help you — the Medicare consumer.


65 Incorporated sells Medicare software products and consulting services — not insurance.  In fact, 65 Incorporated makes no monies from the sale of  insurance products.  We are paid on a fee-for-service basis, working directly for you.  So, our guidance is always in YOUR best interest.

Would you like to learn more about 65 Incorporated?

Call us at 262-223-3433 or click here to visit the Contact page.

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