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Don’t Leave Money on the Table

Oct 07, 2015

Depositphotos_30977697_s-2015.jpgHow long have you had the same Medicare Part D drug plan? If it’s been a few years, check out this story.

Debra has had her drug plan for six years. She thinks the monthly premium of $49 might be a bit high but she pays only $10 a month for her two medications. She absolutely loves the plan.

After a short conversation, she’s not so much in love any more. Debra could have saved over $500 this year if she had checked out plans during last year’s Open Enrollment Period. She takes two generic medications so plans with the lowest monthly premium (in her area, around $16) would have met her needs. Plus, there would have been no copayment for her two medications. 

The same advice holds true for those who have a Medicare Advantage plan. Costs and coverage can change every year.

The Open Enrollment Period is from October 15-December 7. Evaluate your plan’s costs and coverage for next year against other plans available. You just might find more money in your pocket and not on the table.

Learn about important Open Enrollment Period dates at


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