Sixty-Five Incorporated

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What to Do When Medicare Enrollment Causes Stress

Oct 28, 2015

BELLA.jpgOne thing our clients have in common: They find the whole process of Medicare enrollment to be stressful. We know that stress can interfere with clear thinking and good decision making. So, before starting with Medicare, consider these actions.

  • Take the dog for a walk or play a round of golf. There are links between exercise and brain chemicals that connect with decreasing stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Have an occasional glass of wine. The moderate consumption of alcohol is often associated with improved cognitive functioning.
  • Watch reruns of Seinfeld, Coach, M*A*S*H*, or whatever tickles your funny bone. It has been medically proven that laughter is an effective painkiller (not that Medicare causes pain).

Check out the 65 Incorporated website. The library at provides clear, easy-to-understand Medicare information to help you get up to speed.


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