Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433


Information and Documents You Need to Enroll in Medicare

Getting ready to enroll in Medicare? You can do that online. But, first, if you don't have one, you must establish a My Social Security account. In some cases, you may need to prove your identity, age, and citizenship. According to the Social Security website, here are the documents (originals, not photocopies) you may need:

  • Your birth certificate or other proof of birth
  • Proof of United States citizenship or legal residency, such as a passport 
  • Driver's license

It would be a good idea to establish this account before you're ready to enroll. If there are issues confirming your identity, it may take time or a visit to your local Social Security office. 

Then, when it's time to enroll, once the account is established, you may need additional information to answer the questions. 

  • Your Social Security card, if you are already receiving benefits
  • Health insurance information about the type and dates of coverage
  • Information about your employment, such as a W-2 form, if you are still working
  • US military discharge papers if you served before 1968

If you sign up for Medicare online or by phone, you may need to submit additional information. Social Security will let you know if you need to do this and what that information might be.

Learn more:
The three ways to apply for Medicare
Should you enroll in Medicare is you're still working?

FREE “Road to Medicare” educational booklet