What is a Guaranteed Issue Right?
Having a Guaranteed Issue Right to get a Medigap policy can ensure that you will be able to get this coverage with no medical questions asked. But, you can lose this right and, in turn, the ability to get a Medigap policy.
What is a cost-sharing Medigap policy?
There are two types of standardized Medigap policies that feature cost sharing. Plan K covers 50% of the cost of the basic Medigap benefits, including...
Can a Medigap insurance company delay coverage of a condition?
Why is the Medigap insurance company delaying coverage of my diabetes? I signed up during my Initial Enrollment Period...
Does Medicare.gov have a plan finder for Medigap policies?
Let’s say that medicare.gov offers a starting point for finding Medigap policies, also known as Medigap plans. Here’s what you need to know...
What is a Medigap policy?
A Medigap policy, also known as Medicare Supplement Insurance, is a health insurance policy sold by private companies to fill gaps in Original Medicare coverage...
Can you save money by dropping a Medigap policy?
I have a Medicare supplement plan that costs almost $200 a month. I believe that if I drop this plan and switch to Medicare Advantage, I will save money...
How do insurance companies price Medigap policies?
The cost of Medigap policies can vary widely. One reason: Insurance companies have three ways of pricing policies...
What does “accepting assignment” mean?
Accepting assignment is a real concern for those who have Original Medicare coverage...
FREE Medicare cost comparison
Download this free case study to help you compare the potential out-of-pocket costs of both Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage BEFORE you choose your Medicare path.
What is a Medicare SELECT plan?
A Medicare SELECT plan is Medicare supplement insurance (Medigap policy) that functions like a managed care plan. These plans can be any of the standardized Medigap policies...
Can I keep a Medigap policy I bought many years ago?
Here is a question about the many changes in Medigap policies over the last four years...
What should I know about benefit periods for Original Medicare?
Benefit periods are a key part of the payment structure for Original Medicare. A benefit period begins the day of admission to a hospital or skilled nursing facility (SNF)...
What is Medicare Part F?
Medicare has four official parts: Part A, hospital insurance, Part B, medical insurance, Part C, Medicare Advantage...