Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433


Learn the basics of Medicare from an unbiased source – in a way you can understand.

65 Incorporated is different than many of the resources available today.  We don't sell insurance nor are we affiliated in any way with insurance companies.  Plus, we pride ourselves on making Medicare more understandable. 

Thus, we've taken some time to make sure this “Road to Medicare” booklet contains exactly what you need to get started with Medicare — just the right amount of information presented in a way that you can understand.

In this FREE “Road to Medicare” booklet, you'll learn:

  • The basics of Medicare (Parts A, B and D)
  • The questions to ask to plan your Medicare “route”
  • The potholes in the road of Medicare, such as missing your Initial Enrollment Period or picking a plan simply because a friend recommends it
  • The two main "paths" to take in Medicare (Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage)
  • How to embark upon your journey
  • plus much more!

To get your free copy of the unbiased and understandable “Road to Medicare” booklet, just fill out the form to the right.